Geneve Peace Talks
21 September 2021

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The declaration of the Ecospirituality Foundation

Webinar dell'ONU

The Ecospirituality Foundation was present at the Peace Talks
which was held at the United Nations in Geneva.
The event was on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
Rosalba Nattero was invited as President of the Ecospirituality Foundation

Rosalba Nattero in Salle XVIII where the Assembly was held

Rosalba Nattero in Salle XVIII where the Assembly was held

La delegazione della Ecospirituality Foundation. Da sinistra: Luca Colarelli, Rosalba Nattero, Andrea Lesmo

The delegation of the Ecospirituality Foundation.
From left: Luca Colarelli, Rosalba Nattero, Andrea Lesmo

The books

The books "Natural Peoples and Ecospirituality" and "All Children
of Mother Earth" in three languages, exhibited for sale at the
United Nations bookshop in Geneva in the Human Rights section

The Sustainable Development Goals billboard, the UN project in which the Ecospirituality Foundation participates

The Sustainable Development Goals billboard,
the UN project in which the Ecospirituality Foundation participates

The information material of the Ecospirituality Foundation and the declaration made available to the participants in the event </p>

The information material of the Ecospirituality Foundation and the declaration
made available to the participants in the event