the leitmotif of "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix "

by Ange Yvon Hounkonnou

The development of our planetary village is not a problem merely concerning municipal heads. Today, under full steam of globalization, it is essential that everybody bring their setting stone for the construction of the building.
Given their quality of citizens of the world, every individual has the duty to think, produce and act for the attainment of a city that can procure peace, happiness and wellbeing for all.
The situation lived out by our countrymen should be able to solicit the women and men of our planetary village to the call of solidarity, participating in a progressive and efficient manner for the true development of our city.
This is the reason for the existence of E.A.P - NGO (Ensemble Allons dans la Paix).

Thus, what is E.A.P - NGO ?

"Ensemble Allons dans la Paix" is an organization of world citizens based in the Republic of Benin that work towards the completion of concrete and coherent projects aimed at improving the peoples' quality of life. Knowing that no development can come about without the ensurement of a stable city, "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix" relentlessly works for the promotion of friendship between peoples, and harmony among mankind, their lifestyles, nature and the entire cosmos. This is the spirit that heralded the organization's interest for a vital experience concerning the development of humanity. Such experience is defined as: Ecospirituality. This is the reason leading the organization to strive for the adoption of Ecospirituality as a world development policy. The intent goes well beyond placing Ecospirituality at the service of preserving planetary development experiences, taking into account the exultation of the sum of mankind that inhabits the planet.

The Ecospiritual experience at the service of the populations of Benin and Western Africa.

Following the magnificent work carried out by the fathers of the concept of Ecospirituality, who strive for the improvement of the conditions of life involving millions of the planet's inhabitants, , "E.A.P - NGO" decided to bring this magnificent experience to the awareness of the peoples of the Republic of Benin and Western Africa.
To this aim, Emmmanuel Sognonnou, President of "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix", was received for a planning meeting in Turin (Italy) by the high officials of the Ecospirituality Foundation. During this encounter both parties had the chance to carry out a confrontation regarding the view and conception of the "E.A.P - NGO" on Ecospirituality, but most importantly a protocol of agreement with the representation of the Ecospirituality Foundation in Benin and in the regions of Western Africa was signed. Following this agreement, "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix" would see to the spreading of the concept of Ecospirituality in this section of the black continent.
In this work and exchange encounter involving the two structures, held in February 2008, "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix" shared its views on Ecospirituality and took part in the elaboration of projects for the development of this theme.
What can be underlined in the delegation protocol of agreement? "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix", that prides itself as not only being one of the best Organizations that work for the improvement of life conditions and wellbeing of peoples, but also for the future of our planetary village, has driven itself to be worthy of the task assigned. Moreover, it believes that the Ecospiritual experience will help the African continent to face the numerous challenges that lie at its doorstep. The most important of which concerns the division among the different peoples, a problem generating a critical continental instability.

How does the E.A.P - NGO believe to best exploit this partnership?

The E.A.P - ONG urges to:

  • Establish a strategic plan of action to spread the concept of Ecospirituality in Benin, firstly, followed by the regions of Western Africa;

  • Sollecitare Solicit the native, natural or independent peoples of Benin and West African regions to the duties and rights that they have in regards to nature and to the many scourges that threaten their daily existence;

  • Carry out a specific diagnosis for every country in order to provide our governing bodies the necessary tools for the rekindling of consciousness in the dynamics of Ecospirituality development. To achieve this, the following activities are proposed with the purpose of increasing awareness of the issue:

  • Direct awareness raising: The organization across the entire inhabited area of Benin of conferences-debates with participation of all of our fellow citizens in the concept of Ecospirituality, its fundamentals and its vision. The conferences will be lead by the speakers of the Ecospirituality Foundation with assistance by the "E.A.P - NGO " members, all supported by the representatives of our interested ministries. For the most part these conferences will be held in schools, colleges and universities; as in the villages and city neighborhoods of our country, successively in the other regions of West Africa;

  • Media campaign: initially, this regards the coordination and conduction of a press meeting in order to get the general public used to the concept of Ecospirituality and announce the work plan that "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix" intends to carry out. In a later moment, special releases will be conducted and coordinated on the television and radio broadcasters, both in French and for the most part in the local languages, in order to reach the greatest number of people possible;

  • Publications: The composition of a leaflet aimed at globally presenting the concept of Ecospirituality. The leaflet will be freely distributed in schools, colleges and universities, and all other places of study. The Ecospirituality manifest will be a basis for the concept that it wishes to express.

  • Realization and diffusion of documentaries: The intention regards the realization of clips and television series that highlight the lives and cultures of both Benin's and West Africa's natural peoples. These projects will be distributed by TV stations in Benin, West Africa and around the world, alike. They will be available for use to the different global structures and bodies;

  • Inter-regional conference: In the foreseen work framework of the harmonization of the various views on the issue, an inter-regional conference will be organized with the aim of reaching all the natural peoples of West Africa. It can be dubbed: "Encounter of friendship between the Native and Natural Peoples of West Africa". On the long run, this strategy will contribute to the facilitation of peace and loving regard, the improvement in relations between the peoples of the West African regions. In order to make the strategic plan fully efficient, it will be developed in accordance with the governments of the West African states and transversally with the ministers to natural environments and environmental protection. The effects will be countless, once considered, safeguarded and restored to its primary importance, Mother Nature will shed its many blessings both on mankind as on the animal and plant kingdoms. The development of mankind alike, today quite exulted, depends on this.

  • Words in expression of president Emmanuel Sognonnou's satisfaction.

    First and foremost, I must say that I was received by a formidable team of intelligent, available combative team, sensitive to the problems facing mankind, that constitutes the Ecospirituality Foundation. In this occasion I therefore wish to express and dedicate my gratitude and that of the entire African populous to them. Moreover, I state that it is the true city of hope, which allows us to set foot again in our creative energies, to think about our destinies and imagine the future with serenity and optimism. "Ensemble Allons dans la Paix" intends to actively work at the side of this important partner embodied by the Ecospirituality Foundation for the development of our planetary village.

    By: Ange Yvon Hounkonnou, General Coordinator and Charged with the Program of the E.A.P.-NGO

    (KIK Hebdo, April 2008 )